
    Megan Jensen , Ph.D.
    Megan Jensen

    Titre du projet de recherche

    Vitamine D vs. placebo dans la prévention des crises d’asthme déclenchées par des rhumes chez le jeune enfant

    Programme universitaire

    Bourse postdoctorale (Asthme pédiatrique et nutrition)


    • PhD (Médecine), Faculté de santé, Université de Newcastle, Australie, 2013
    • Baccalauréat spécialisé en nutrition et diététique, Université de Newcastle, Australie, 2008

    Intérêts de recherche

    • pédiatrie,
    • asthme,
    • obésité,
    • vitamine D,
    • interventions nutritionnelles,
    • inflammation

    Prix et distinctions

    • Source de financement de la recherche en cours :
    • Fonds de recherche Thrasher, prix de début de carrière, 2013 (26 750 $)
    • 2013-2015 CIHR Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Priority Announcement: Respiratory
    • Bourse de recherche, IRSC, AP : santé respiratoire, 2013-2015.


    • Obesity in asthma – the weight of the issue. University of Vermont. Burlington VT, United States of America. July 2013.
    • Obesity, weight loss and asthma in children: An RCT. Newcastle Asthma Meeting. Newcastle NSW, Australia. October 2012.
    • Obesity & Asthma – what are the differences between adults & children? Paediatrics Interdisciplinary Seminar. John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle NSW, Australia. June 2012.
    • Obesity in Childhood Asthma. Saint-Justine Children’s Hospital, Montreal QC, Canada. November 2011.
    • The Obese Phenotype in Childhood Asthma. Newcastle Asthma Meeting. Newcastle NSW, Australia. October 2011.
    • Pediatric Obesity & Asthma. Nutrition & Dietetics Department, John Hunter Hospital. Newcastle NSW, Australia. March 2010


    • Jensen ME, Gibson PG, Collins CE, Wood LG. Airway and systemic inflammation in obese children with asthma. 2013. European Respiratory Journal (accepted 7th January 2013). (e-pub ahead of print 24th January 2013). DOI : 10.1183/09031936.00124912
    • Jensen ME, Gibson PG, Collins CE, Hilton J, Wood LG. Diet-induced weight loss in obese children with asthma: A randomized controlled trial. Clin Exp Allergy 43(7): 775-84. (accepted 20th February 2013). DOI: 10.1111/cea.12115
    • Jensen ME, Collins CE, Gibson PG, Wood LG. The Obesity Phenotype in Children with Asthma. Pediatric Respiratory Reviews. 2011; 12:152-159. (Invited review; In press, corrected proof 4 March 2011).
    • Jensen ME, Wood LG, Gibson PG. Obesity and childhood asthma - mechanisms and manifestations. 2012. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2012; 12:186-192. (Invited review; accepted 20 December 2011).
    • Jensen ME, Gibson PG, Collins CE, Wood LG. Lean mass, not fat mass, is associated with lung function in male and female children with asthma. Pediatric Research (accepted 19th June 2013).

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