Pursuant to section 214 of the Act Respecting Health Services and Social Services (in French only), in accordance with the by-laws of the institution, the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists is, for each centre operated by the institution, responsible to the board of directors:
for controlling and assessing the quality, including the pertinence, of the medical, dental and pharmaceutical acts performed in the centre;
for assessing and maintaining the professional standards of the physicians, dentists and pharmacists practising in the centre;
for making recommendations on the qualifications and competence of a physician or dentist who applies for appointment or the renewal of an appointment and on the privileges and the status to be granted to him;
for making recommendations on the qualifications and competence of a pharmacist who applies for appointment and on the status to be granted to him;
for giving its opinion on the disciplinary measures the board of directors should impose on physicians, dentists or pharmacists;
for making recommendations on the rules governing medical and dental care and on the rules governing the use of medicines applicable in the centre and formulated by each clinical department head;
for making recommendations on the obligations which may be attached to the enjoyment of the privileges granted to a physician or a dentist by the board of directors, in relation to the specific requirements of the centre, particularly those concerning:
the participation of a physician or dentist in the clinical activities of the centre, including being on duty;
the participation of a physician or dentist in teaching and research activities, where the case arises;l
the participation of a physician or dentist in professional, scientific, medical or administrative committees;
the participation of a physician or dentist in medical activities pursuant to an agreement referred to in sections 108 and 109;
for developing the modalities of a duty roster system ensuring, on a permanent basis, the availability of physicians, dentists and, where the case arises, pharmacists and clinical biochemists, according to the needs of the centre;
for giving its opinion on the professional aspects of the following questions:
the technical and scientific organization of the centre;
the rules governing the utilization of the resources referred to in subparagraph 3 of the first paragraph of section 189 and on the administrative sanctions to be included therein;
for making recommendations on the professional aspects of the appropriate distribution of medical and dental care and pharmaceutical services, and on the medical organization of the centre;
for carrying out any other function entrusted to it by the board of directors.