More than 1,515 professionals from 58 different job titles, under the Multidiscplinary Directorates who can also work in the following directorates: Educational Directorate, Clinical Services Directorate, Research Directorate, Human Resources Directorate and the Medical and Academic Affairs Directorate.
These professionals are assigned to the following service points:
- CHU Sainte-Justine,
- Marie Enfant Rehabilitation Centre (CRME),
- Specialized schools affiliated with the CRME.
Our members
All persons holding a college or university degree and performing functions for the institution which are specific to the field of activity in which the diploma was granted and which are directly related to health services, social services, research or teaching can be members of the council. However, nurses, physicians, pharmacists, dentists and midwives are excluded.
Responsibilities of the MC
- To the Board of Directors
“The MC is responsible for forming, whenever required, the joint committees needed to assess and improve the quality of professional activities; making recommendations on the proper distribution of care and services dispensed by its members to ensure quality services; carrying out any other function entrusted to it by the board of directors.” (a. 227 of the LSSSS).
- To the Executive Director
“ The MC is responsible for giving its opinion on the following questions: the scientific and technical organization of the centre; the means to be used to assess and maintain the professional standards of its members; any other matter brought to its attention by the executive director.” (a. 228 of the LSSSS).
- To its members
The MC acts as an advocate for the various clinical situations of its members with the various responsible bodies of CHU Sainte-Justine. The Council oversees the conditions required for dispensing high quality health care and services to both children and parents.
The Multidisciplinary Council brochure: dépliant CM
The following document provides information about the Council’s internal rules and regulations, as approved by the Administrative Committee on February 10, 2010: règlements
Executive Committee
- President
Hélène Sabourin, physiothérapeute
- Vice-president
Kathy Malas, orthophoniste
- Secretary-Treasurer
Caroline Fiset, technologiste médicale
- Counsellors
Marie-Jean Cournoyer, nutritionniste
Stéfanie Tran, ergothérapeute
Julie Letendre, physiothérapeute
Martin Cyr, ingénieur en biomédical
Alina Parapuf, perfusionniste
- Representative for the Board of Directors
Yves Théorêt, Pharmacologist
- Director général
Dr Fabrice Brunet
- Deputy Director
Maryse St-Onge
The following is a list of members of the Multidisciplinary Council Executive Committee:
Annual report 2010-2011
Rapport annuel 2010-2011