Humanization of care and services guides our behaviour before our gesture
The humanization process falls within the scope of CHU Sainte-Justine’s strategic orientations: adapting our human resources management philosophy in terms of attraction, mobilization and retention of personnel and updating our principles for a more humanistic approach based on the Planetree model.
What is the Planetree approach?
In 1977, Angelica Thieriot almost died of a rare viral infection and spent long periods of time staring at cold, stark hospital walls where she was a patient. Sadly, she noted the lack of personalized care that overshadowed the benefits offered by these fully performing technological and medical environments.
Her experience of the hospital led her to a mission, one of developing a health care institution to foster human exchange, relaxation, spirituality, diversity of treatments and where individuals might actively participate in their own, personal healing process. Her inspiration became reality in 1978, with the founding of Planetree, a non-profit organization, taking its name from the words plane tree under which Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, taught his students almost two thousand years ago. More than 500 health establishments, mostly in the United States, have embraced the Planetree approach which is now renowned worldwide and also has followers in Japan, Brazil, the Netherlands and Canada.
Defining the Planetree human approach at CHU Sainte-Justine
The Planetree approach at CHU Sainte-Justine is defined as an approach that strives to achieve excellence within its clinical and administrative practices and human resources management. This approach seeks to put people at the heart of the concerns of everyone who works at CHU Sainte-Justine. The humanization of care and services and the management of human resources are defined as an ongoing individual and collective care quality enhancement process that applies not only to individuals who require our care and services, but also to the physicians, health care professionals and employees who deliver them or support their delivery.
The Planetree human approach at CHU Sainte-Justine is defined on the basis of six components:
Recognizing family and friends as a vital part of the healing and rehabilitation process;
Delivering care with kindness, compassion and understanding;
Being a health care leader in the community;
Sharing knowledge, helping, preventing and empowering;
Seeing the person as a whole;
Creating an environment that promotes and enhances well-being.