To fulfill its mission, the CHU Sainte-Justine counts on a large number of people who work in many different fields and who come from diverse disciplines, schools and social backgrounds.
This diverse group of people conducts their work by adhering to a set of values that expresses the institution's ideals and that forms the basis of its foundation.
Our commitment to mothers and children
Everyone at CHU Sainte-Justine actively contributes toward fulfilling our mission and goals by enhancing their skills and putting their talents to work for the benefit of the organization. We acknowledge initiative, encourage professional growth and celebrate the achievements of our members in their respective field of expertise.
The pursuit of excellence
Excellence translates as the organizational and individual will to pursue one's work in an outstanding and consistent manner in all areas, notably through innovative and creative teamwork.
Respect for the individual
CHU Sainte-Justine's respect for children, teenagers, mothers, families and people in general is a reflection of the actions, attitudes, words, and behaviours of all of our members, whether they are hospital workers, physicians, managers and directors, suppliers, volunteers and partners. This quality is not only demonstrated towards our patients but also for each other.
The spirit of collaborative efforts
Internal and external collaborations are vital to fulfilling the CHU Sainte-Justine's mission and must be carried out in a diligent and effective manner. They are dependent on mutual effort directed toward a common goal. Each member contributes to the team and is fully recognized as a participating member.To fulfill its mission, the CHU Sainte-Justine counts on a large number of people who work in many different fields and who come from diverse disciplines, schools and social backgrounds.
L'équipe du CHU Sainte-Justine et du CRME témoignent des valeurs...(In french only)
The commitment to mothers and children
The pursuit of excellence
Respect for the individual
The spirit of collaborative efforts