Rights & responsibilities
Right to Be Informed
Staff members are responsible for offering you access to information concerning your health or that of your child. You, however, are responsible for taking the necessary steps to obtain that information.
Right to Receive Quality Care and Services
On the one hand, staff members are responsible for organizing their tasks so that you will receive personalized care. On the other hand, you are responsible for making judicious use of the services that are provided. This means that you should use the services in accordance with your needs, at the appropriate time, and with a person who can help you.
Right of Expression
Staff members must give consideration to any complaint that you may make, ensure that proper follow-up is conducted, inform you of your options, and support you throughout the procedures that you choose to follow. In return, you are responsible for expressing, to a person who can help you, any dissatisfaction on your part regarding the care and services that you received or should have received.
Right to Respect, Privacy, and Dignity
On the one hand, staff members must act with understanding, patience, and concern. They must also maintain confidentiality and refrain from divulging what you have told them in confidence. There will be no tolerance for physical or verbal violence toward you. On the other hand, you and your visitors must be courteous and show respect for staff and other patients. You must allow other users to benefit from an atmosphere of rest and calm.
You rights as a user
according to Act respecting health services and social services
the right to be informed of existing services and the way to obtain them;
the right to receive, with continuity and in a personalized and safe manner, services that are scientifically, humanly and socially appropriate;
the right to choose the professional or institution you wish to receive services from;
the right to receive emergency care;
the right to be informed of your state of health, and of the various options open to you and their consequences, before giving your
consent to care;
the right to be informed as soon as possible of any accident that occurs during the provision of services;
the right to be treated, at all times, with courtesy, fairness and understanding, and with respect for your dignity, autonomy, needs and safety;
the right to accept or refuse care, on your own or through your representative, freely and in an enlightened manner;
the right to have access to your record, which is confidential;
the right to participate in the decisions that concern you;
the right to be accompanied or assisted by the person of your choice in obtaining information about services;
the right to file a complaint without the risk of reprisal, to be informed of the complaint examination procedure and, if required, to be accompanied or assisted in the procedure;
the right to be represented in regard to all your recognized rights if you are temporarily or permanently unable to give your consent;
if you are an English-speaking user, the right to receive services in English, according to the government access program.